Posted in Inspiration

Things that Lift You Up


Daaaaang that’s a good quote!

I’ve always been drawn to stories, quotes, videos, etc. that focus on self-love, inner peace, growth and acceptance.  I find that type of content to be inspiring and uplifting, and that’s the type of attitude I want to exude and put out into the world.

This isn’t always easy — in fact, it rarely is.  Life gets hard.  People can be awful.  Circumstances can knock us down.  Keeping up the practice of being mindfully happy, choosing joy and finding the silver linings can get exhausting.

When things get exhausting, I turn to content that will lift me up.  Here is what I have found immensely helpful and inspiring lately:


Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, as well as her Big Magic podcast.  This is all about overcoming fear and living a creative life – whatever that means for you.

The Gifts of Imperfection, as well as Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.  This amazing woman has spent years and years researching shame and vulnerability.


Dear Sugar Raido podcast with Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond.  They’re awesome writers who give amazing advice.

What resources do you use that put a smile on your face?  Comment below so I can share with you in the awesomeness!